To meet with you to come to your office?

The meeting can take place, as we have in the office, and at any convenient for you neutral territory.

At any time you can turn to you for help?

We are working in any convenient time for the customer. Call us!

How much is it?

Cost of services depends on the complexity of the case and the costs actually incurred during the investigation. In determining the value is taken into account the number of detectives and other specialists, which will be used for the solution of the tasks set by the use of special equipment, travel and other expenses. In this we take into account the real financial possibilities of our client in advance, arranging with him ongoing operational activities.

You work only in Moscow and the Moscow region?

Our detectives are ready to leave at any point on the map, depending on need.

Whether you decide to non-standard situation?

Non-standard situations - this is our «hobby». We always take for their implementation, with a special understanding of each individual case. Great experience of solving non-standard situations that helps us in our work and save time of our clients.

There is a problem with the child and his friends, will be able to help?

Yes, on the need to establish surveillance and gather information, as an unpleasant situation can be prevented before it occurs.

There is a very personal information in solving one problem, whether it is possible to entrust it to you?

What would understand this, we recommend that You meet with one of our staff and in the process of communication, over a Cup of coffee, You for yourselves make conclusions whether you can trust us.

Whether you are creating a life situations, for example for the destruction of the «love triangle»?

We always go to any creative work and creative approach to the solution of specific situations.

I need to find their relatives in Moscow. You can do this?

We can help You in this matter, for this we need a minimum of information. Also, at Your request, provide and other information about the person sought for.

Can You check the employees of our company?

We will collect all the necessary information and prepare a report on the progress of работе.По a similar issue, our Agency can offer You an individual service on a permanent basis.

Can you find a missing person, a relative?

Search for people who had disappeared without trace, is one of the main directions of our деятельности.Такая service in our days is very much in demand. We offer to our clients several variants of search, analyze state of Affairs, after the approval and signing of the contract start to work. On performance of works provide a report.

Borrowed a friend money, but bring them can't. Can anyone help in this matter, not bringing cases to court?

We may collect information about a debtor, at the same time connecting the bar. After this, the question of pre-trial resolution of the issue. If the debtor does not respond to treatment to him, the client and the lawyer shall take a decision on filing a lawsuit in court, which further adversely affects the debtor and its financial component.

Can You get a printout of telephone conversations, the detail of calls or texts of SMS?

No! This action is illegal and a criminal offence!

Looking for whether you lost animals?

No, private investigators do not have the right to engage in any of these services.

Do you search for stolen cars?

We do not introduce clients to confusion about the prospects of the case, and in this case, a positive result is equal to zero!

Need to find someone on the Internet, is it possible?

In most cases, We successfully cope with this work.

Found out the loss of money from home, You will be able to help?

Investigative actions are not always effective in solving this problem, so the detective is obliged to possess the skills of a psychologist. The situation is very delicate, and spend it should be with great caution. Employees of our Agency have experience of successful work in this sphere.

There is a reasonable assumption that in my office are "bugs", will be able to help?

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