Article 104

Article 104

Changes in article 104 ch.2 Criminal code of the Russian Federation

The president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev brought the draft of the federal law expanding scope of confiscation of property in the State Duma, the press service of the Kremlin reported on Wednesday.
Changes are brought in article 104 ч.2 the Criminal code of the Russian Federation which provides possibility of confiscation of the sum of money corresponding to cost of property, subject to confiscation in case to withdraw this property in nature it is not obviously possible. However in certain cases the defendant doesn't possess sufficient money for confiscation, but possesses other liquid property, for example real estate, securities, precious metals.
In this regard the bill offers to expand scope of this legal institute at the expense of establishment of possibility of confiscation not only money, but also other personal property condemned (except for the property entering into the list provided by article 446 of the Code of civil procedure of the Russian Federation which can't be confiscated) for the corresponding sum in case of insufficiency for confiscation of money belonging to it.

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